Home / Computer Science / [Type B] Python Revision Tour-1 – Chapter 1 Computer Science | CBSE Class 12 Sumita Arora Table of Contents 1. Fill in the missing lines of code in the following code. The code reads in a limit amount a prices and prints the largest price that is less than the limit. You can assume that all prices and the limit are positive numbers. When a price 0 is entered the program terminates and prints the largest price that is less than the limit. 2. Predict the outputs of the following programs:- 3. Find and write the output of the following python code: 4. How many times will the following for loop execute and what’s the output? 5. Is the loop in the code below infinite? How do you know (for sure) before you run it? 3. Find and write the output of the following python code: for Name in ['Jayes', 'Ramya', 'Taruna', 'Suraj'] : print (Name) if Name[0] == 'T' : break else : print("Finished!") print ('Got it!') OutputJayes Finished! Ramya Finished! Taruna Got it!Python Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 "Spread the light within, illuminate the hearts around you. Sharing is not just an action, but a sacred journey of connecting souls."~ AnonymousLinkedInPocketPrintTelegramWhatsApp