[Type A] File Handling – Chapter 5 Sumita Arora

Table of Contents

1. What is the difference between “w” and “a” modes?

Short Answer:

  • w mode: Opens a file for writing only. Overwrites existing content or creates a new file.
  • a mode: Opens a file for appending only. Adds new content to the end of the file without overwriting existing content.


  • The “w” and “a” modes are used for writing data to files in Python, but they differ in their behavior:
    • w (write): Opening a file in “w” mode implies that:
      • If the file doesn’t exist, it’s created.
      • If the file does exist, its existing content is erased (truncated).
      • You can only write data to the file and cannot read from it.
    • a (append): Opening a file in “a” mode implies that:
      • If the file doesn’t exist, it’s created.
      • If the file does exist, new content is added to the end of the existing data.
      • You can only write data to the file and cannot read from it.
ModeDescriptionExisting fileNew Data
wWrite onlyOverwrites contentCreates new file if nonexistent
aAppend onlyAppends to the endCreates new file if nonexistent
Summary Table

2. What is the significance of file-object?

Short Answer: A file object is a variable that represents an open file in Python. It allows you to perform various operations on the file, such as reading, writing, and closing.

Explanation: A file object in Python represents a file opened by the interpreter. It is used to perform various operations on the file, such as reading from it, writing to it, or appending to it. File objects are created using the built-in open() function.

3. How is the file open() function different from the close() function?

Short Answer:

  • open() function: Opens a file, establishing a connection between your program and the file on the disk.
  • close() function: Closes an open file, releasing system resources and ensuring data is written to the disk.


  1. The open() and close() functions are essential for file handling in Python as they serve distinct purposes.
  2. The open() function as file_object = open(filename, mode) in Python is used to open a file and returns a file object that can be used to perform operations on the file, like reading, writing, or appending. It takes two parameters: the file path and the mode in which the file is to be opened.
  3. The close() function as file_object.close() is used to close the file object once all operations are complete. It frees up system resources associated with the file and ensures that any buffered data is written to the file.

Key Points:

  • It’s important to always close files after you finish working with them using the close() method.
  • Not closing files can lead to resource leaks and data corruption.

4. Write statements to open a binary file C:\Myfiles\Text1.txt in read and write mode by specifying the file path in two different formats.

Short Answer: Two variations of file paths, one with escape characters and the other with raw strings, are used to open “Text1.txt” in read and write mode, facilitated by the “r+b” mode for simultaneous read and write operations.

# Using single backslashes
file1 = open("C:\\Myfiles\\Text1.txt", "rb+")

# Using raw string
file2 = open(r"C:\Myfiles\Text1.txt", "rb+")


  • The open() function in Python is used to open files with specified file paths and modes. In this case, the modes “r+b” are used to open the file in read and write mode, allowing both reading from and writing to the file.
  • Two different formats for specifying the file path are demonstrated:
    1. Using escape characters: In Python strings, backslashes are typically used as escape characters. However, when specifying file paths in Windows, backslashes are used as directory separators. To ensure that the backslashes are interpreted correctly as part of the file path and not as escape characters, they need to be escaped by using another backslash.
    2. Using raw strings: Alternatively, a raw string literal (prefixed with ‘r’) can be used when specifying the file path. Raw string literals treat backslashes as literal characters and do not interpret them as escape characters. Therefore, you can specify the file path without escaping the backslashes.

Alternative Answer: The following code snippets demonstrate how to open a binary file “Text1.txt” located in “C:\Myfiles” in both read and write mode (“rb+”):

  • Format 1: This format uses the absolute path, specifying the complete file location from the root directory (e.g., “C:”).
  • Format 2: This format uses the relative path, assuming the Python script is located in the same directory as the file “Text1.txt.”
# Using absolute path
file1 = open("C:\\Myfiles\\Text1.txt", "rb+")

# Using relative path
file2 = open("Text1.txt", "rb+")

5. When a file is opened for output in write mode (“w”), what happens when:

When you open a file for output in Python, the behavior depends on the specific mode you use: File Operations and Modes Explained.

  • Behavior:
    • Opens an existing file for reading.
    • Does not create new files.
    • Existing content is not modified or erased.
    • If the file doesn’t exist, a FileNotFoundError is raised.
  • Use cases:
    • Accessing and processing data from an existing file.
    • Displaying file contents on the screen.
    • Performing calculations or analysis on stored data.
  • Behavior:
    • Opens a file for writing.
    • Creates a new file if it doesn’t exist.
    • Truncates existing content (erases all data) if the file exists.
    • New data is written to the file.
  • Use cases:
    • Creating a new file and writing data to it.
    • Overwriting the entire content of an existing file.
    • Saving information generated by your program to a file.
  • Behavior:
    • Opens a file for appending.
    • Creates a new file if it doesn’t exist.
    • Retains existing content if the file exists.
    • New data is added to the end of the existing content.
  • Use cases:
    • Gradually adding new data to an existing file without deleting previous entries.
    • Maintaining logs or activity records in a file.
    • Updating specific sections of a file without modifying the entire content.
  • Behavior:
    • Attempts to create a new file.
    • Raises a FileExistsError if the file already exists.
    • If successful, allows writing data to the newly created file.
  • Use cases:
    • Ensuring a file does not exist before creating it to avoid accidental overwriting.
    • Preventing conflicts when multiple programs might try to create the same file simultaneously.
    • Implementing unique file naming strategies to avoid naming collisions.

(i) The mentioned file does not exist

Short Answer: Python creates a new file for writing.

  • Read mode (“r”) doesn’t create files. It attempts to open an existing file for reading. If the file doesn’t exist, a FileNotFoundError is raised.
  • Write and append modes (“w”, “a”) create files if they don’t exist.
  • Exclusive creation mode (“x”) only creates files if they don’t already exist. It’s useful for preventing accidental overwriting of existing files.

(ii) The mentioned file does exist

Short Answer: The existing content of the file will be erased (truncated).

Generally: The behavior depends on the specific output mode:

  • “r” (read): only reads the data according to your program’s instructions.
  • “w” (write): Overwrites existing content.
  • “a” (append): Retains existing content and adds new data to the end.
  • “x” (exclusive creation): Raises an error.

6. What role is played by file modes in file operations? Describe the various file mode constants and their meanings.

Answer: File modes are crucial in Python file handling as they determine how the program interacts with the file. Here are some commonly used modes:

  • “r” (read): Opens a file for reading. You can only read from the file, not write to it.
  • “w” (write): Opens a file for writing. Existing content is erased if the file exists, otherwise a new file is created.
  • “a” (append): Opens a file for appending. New data is added to the end of the existing content.
  • “b” (binary): Opens the file in binary mode, allowing reading and writing of raw bytes (useful for non-text data).
  • “x” (exclusive creation): Attempts to create a new file and raises an error if the file already exists.


  • The “r” mode is used for reading;
  • “w” for writing (truncating the file if it exists); and
  • “a” for appending data to the end of the file.
  • Adding “b” to a mode, such as “rb” or “wb”, indicates binary mode.
  • The “+” sign allows for both reading and writing.

These mode constants can be combined to suit specific requirements in file handling.

7. What are the advantages of saving data in:
(i) Binary form
(ii) Text form
(iii) CSV files

Short Answer:

  1. Binary form offers efficiency in storage and processing, preserves data integrity, and supports complex data structures.
  2. Text form facilitates human readability, interoperability across different platforms and applications, and ease of debugging.
  3. CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files:
    • Human-readable: Easy to understand and inspect due to text characters.
    • Structured format: Facilitates data manipulation with rows, columns, and delimiters.
    • Interoperable: Widely supported for data exchange between various systems.

Long Answer:

  1. Binary form
    • Efficiency: Binary data is compact and requires less storage space compared to text representation.
    • Speed: Reading and writing binary data is generally faster than text data due to its simpler structure.
    • Platform independence: Binary data is not affected by different character encodings used by various operating systems.
  2. Text form
    • Human readability: Text data is directly readable by humans, making it easier to understand and inspect for debugging or analysis.
    • Simplicity: Text files are easier to create, edit, and manipulate with standard text editors compared to binary files.
    • Universality: Text files can be opened and interpreted on most systems, regardless of the specific platform or software used.
  3. CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files:
    • Human-readable and Structured: CSV files combine the benefits of both worlds. They are easy for humans to understand due to the use of text characters, yet they offer a structured format with rows (records) and columns (fields) separated by delimiters. This structure allows for simpler data manipulation and analysis compared to plain text files.
    • Interoperability: CSV files are widely supported by various software applications and programming languages. This makes them a preferred choice for data exchange between different systems, as they can be easily read, written, and processed by diverse platforms.
    • Efficiency for Numerical Data: For storing numerical data, CSV files can be more compact than structured formats like JSON due to their simpler structure. However, it’s important to note that they can become larger for non-numerical data types like text or images.

8. When do you think text files should be preferred over binary files?

Answer: Text files are generally preferred when:

  • The data is human-readable (e.g., configuration files, log files, plain text documents).
  • Simplicity in editing and manipulation is desired.
  • Compatibility across different systems is crucial.

However, if:

  • Storage efficiency and speed are critical (e.g., storing images, audio, compressed data), or
  • Data integrity needs to be preserved across different platforms (e.g., network communication),

binary files are the better choice.

9. Write a statement in Python to perform the following operations:

(a) To open a text file “BOOK.TXT” in read mode.

with open("BOOK.TXT", "r") as file: #method 1

file1 = open("BOOK.TXT", "r") #method 2

(b) To open a text file “BOOK.TXT” in write mode.

with open("BOOK.TXT", "w") as file: #method 1

file1 = open("BOOK.TXT", "w") #method 2


These statements use the open() function to open the file “BOOK.TXT” in different modes:

  • with open("BOOK.TXT", "r") as file: opens the file in read mode (“r”). The with statement ensures proper file closure after use.
  • with open("BOOK.TXT", "w") as file: opens the file in write mode (“w”). Existing content will be erased (if the file exists). The with statement again ensures closure.

10. When a file is opened for output in append mode (“a”), what happens when:

(i) The mentioned file does not exist

Short Answer: Python creates a new file for appending.

(ii) The mentioned file does exist

Short Answer: New data is added to the end of the existing content.

Explanation: When you open a file in append mode (“a”), the behavior depends on the file’s existence:

  • If the file doesn’t exist: Python creates a new file and allows you to append data to it.
  • If the file exists: The existing content remains intact, and new data written to the file gets appended to the end of the existing data. The file pointer is initially positioned at the end of the file, allowing seamless addition of new data.

11. How many file objects would you need to create to manage the following situations? Explain.

(i) To process three files sequentially.

Short Answer: You would need three separate file objects.


  • You need to open each file individually for processing.
  • Since you’re processing them sequentially (one after the other), you can close one file before opening the next.
  • This approach requires three separate file objects, each associated with its respective file.

Here’s an example:

with open("file1.txt", "r") as file1:
    # Process data from file1

with open("file2.txt", "r") as file2:
    # Process data from file2

with open("file3.txt", "r") as file3:
    # Process data from file3
In this example, three with statements ensure proper closing of each file object after use.

(ii) To merge two sorted files into a third file.

Short Answer: You would need three file objects for this scenario too.


  • You need to read data from both sorted files and write the merged data to a new file.
  • This requires:
    • Two file objects to read the sorted files (file1 and file2).
    • One file object to write the merged data to the new file (merged_file).

Here’s an example:

with open("file1.txt", "r") as file1, open("file2.txt", "r") as file2, open("merged.txt", "w") as merged_file:

# Read and merge data from file1 and file2 into merged_file

12. Is a CSV file different from a text file? Why/why not?

Short Answer: Yes, a CSV file differs from a text file. While both are text files;

  • CSV files have a structured format with delimiters separating data points, making them suitable for tabular data storage; and
  • Text files are unstructured and can hold any type of text, offering more general-purpose use.
FeatureCSV FileText File
PurposeTabular data storageGeneral-purpose text storage
InterpretationRequires specific toolsDirectly readable by humans
Key Points


  • Text File:
    • A general-purpose file format that can store any type of text data, including letters, numbers, symbols, and formatting characters.
    • No specific structure or rules are enforced.
    • Can be opened and edited with any text editor.
  • CSV File:
    • A specific type of text file that stores tabular data in a structured format.
    • Data values are separated by a specific delimiter, typically a comma (,), although other delimiters like semicolons (;) or tabs (\t) can be used.
    • Each line (row) represents a record, and each entry within the line is a field.
    • Requires a special program or tool to interpret and analyze the data effectively due to its structured format.

Key Differences:

  • Structure: Text files are unstructured, while CSV files have a defined structure with delimiters separating data points.
  • Purpose: Text files are general-purpose, while CSV files are specifically designed for storing tabular data.
  • Interpretation: Text files can be directly read by humans, while CSV files often require specific tools for efficient interpretation and analysis.

13. Is a CSV file different from a binary file? Why/why not?

Short Answer: Yes, CSV and binary files are significantly different:

  • Representation: CSV uses text with delimiters (like commas), while binary files use raw bytes (unreadable).
  • Structure: CSV has a structured format with rows and columns (like a spreadsheet), while binary files are unstructured.
  • Use: CSV is for tabular data exchange (data in tables), while binary files store various data types (images, audio, etc.).

Therefore, their representation, structure, and purpose distinguish them.

More key differences are listed below for your reference, though not required from the exam’s perspective.

FeatureCSV FileBinary File
Data RepresentationText-basedRaw bytes
StructureStructured with delimiters (e.g., commas)Unstructured
Human ReadabilityDirectly readable with text editorsNot directly readable by humans
PurposeTabular data storage, data exchangeVarious purposes (images, audio, compressed data, application data)
File sizeGenerally smaller for numerical dataCan be smaller or larger than CSV depending on data type
Difference Explanation

Key Differences:

  • Data Representation: CSV files use human-readable characters (text), while binary files store data in raw bytes that are not directly interpretable by humans.
  • Structure: CSV files have a structured format with rows, columns, and delimiters, while binary files are unstructured.
  • Human Readability: CSV files can be directly inspected and understood by humans due to their text-based format, whereas binary files require specific software or interpreters to be understood.
  • Purpose: CSV files are primarily used for storing and exchanging tabular data, while binary files serve various purposes like storing images, audio, compressed data, and application data.
  • File size: For numerical data, CSV files are generally smaller than binary files due to the use of text encoding. However, the file size can vary depending on the specific data type and format.

Short Answer: CSV files are popular due to their simplicity, interoperability, human-readability, and efficiency for numerical data.

Explanation: CSV files enjoy widespread popularity for data storage due to several compelling reasons listed below.

  • Simplicity and ease of use: The straightforward text-based format makes them easy to create, read, and manipulate using basic text editors and tools. This user-friendliness eliminates the need for specialized software or programming knowledge, making them accessible to a broad range of users.
  • Interoperability: CSV files boast remarkable compatibility with various software applications and programming languages. This allows them to seamlessly bridge data exchange across diverse systems without requiring specific formatting adjustments, ensuring smooth data transfer and integration.
  • Human-readable format: Unlike binary files that are unreadable by humans, CSV files offer transparency and accessibility due to their text-based format. This allows users to easily inspect and understand data content without relying on specialized tools or interpreters, facilitating verification and data analysis.
  • Efficiency for numerical data: Compared to other structured formats, CSV files can potentially occupy less storage space when storing numerical data due to their simpler structure. This can be advantageous for situations where storage capacity is a critical factor.

These features make CSV files a convenient, efficient, and interoperable choice for storing and sharing various types of tabular data across different platforms.

So, concluding the combined strengths, CSV files are a versatile and user-friendly choice for various data storage needs, particularly when dealing with tabular data or data exchange between different systems.

15. How do you change the delimiter of a CSV file while writing into it?


While creating a CSV file with Python, you can specify the delimiter using the delimiter argument in the csv.writer function:

import csv

# Open the file in write mode
with open("my_data.csv", "w", newline="") as csvfile:
    # Create a CSV writer object with the desired delimiter
    writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=";")  # Use semicolon as delimiter

    # Write data to the file
    writer.writerow(["Name", "Age", "City"])
    writer.writerow(["Alice", 30, "New York"])
    # ... (more data)


  • The csv.writer function creates a CSV writer object.
  • The delimiter argument specifies the character used to separate fields within each row.
  • In this example, the semicolon (;) is used as the delimiter instead of the default comma (,).
  • The writer.writerow method adds a new row (record) to the CSV file, separating data points with the specified delimiter.

16. When and why should you suppress the EOL translation in CSV file handling?

Short Answer: Suppress EOL (End-of-Line) translation when working with CSV files created on different operating systems to prevent unintended line breaks and data corruption due to varying EOL characters.


  • Different operating systems use unique characters to denote the end of a line (EOL). Windows uses \r\n, while Linux and macOS commonly use \n.
  • When reading a CSV file created on a different system with the default behavior, the EOL characters might be converted to the current system’s format.
  • This conversion can lead to inconsistent line breaks and data corruption:
    • Extra line breaks may appear within rows, disrupting data integrity.
    • Delimiters (e.g., commas) might be misinterpreted due to incorrect line breaks.

Therefore, suppress EOL translation to preserve the original line endings and data structure when working with CSV files from different systems.

import csv

# Open a CSV file created on Windows with EOL translation suppressed
with open("data.csv", newline="", mode="r") as file:
    reader = csv.reader(file)
    for row in reader:

17. If you rename a text file’s extension as .csv, will it become a CSV file? Why/why not?

Short Answer: No, renaming the extension only changes the label, not the internal structure. So, the text file won’t become a CSV file because CSV files require specific delimiters (e.g., commas) and formatting, which renaming alone does not provide.

Detailed Explanation:

  • File extensions are labels for the operating system to associate the file with a specific program or functionality.
  • Renaming the extension only changes the label, not the internal structure or content of the file.
  • A text file with a .csv extension remains a text file, and software expecting a valid CSV file will likely encounter errors due to:
    • Lack of delimiters: CSV uses delimiters like commas to separate data entries. Renaming doesn’t add these delimiters.
    • Incorrect formatting: Valid CSV files have a specific structure. Renaming doesn’t alter the internal structure to match a CSV format.

Therefore, to create a valid CSV file, use dedicated tools or libraries that can save files in the CSV format with appropriate delimiters and formatting.

18. Differentiate between “w” and “r” file modes used in Python while opening a data file. Illustrate the difference using suitable examples.

Short Answer:

  • “w” (write mode): Creates a new file or overwrites an existing file.
  • “r” (read mode): Opens an existing file for reading. Any attempt to write in “r” mode will raise an error.


  • w mode (creates or overwrites a new file):
with open("data.txt", mode="w") as file:
    file.write("This is a new file.")  # Creating or writing to a file
  • r mode (reading an existing file):
with open("data.txt", mode="r") as file:
    content = file.read()  # Reading the file content

Choosing the correct file mode is crucial for avoiding data loss and ensuring successful file operations. Use “w” mode for creating or overwriting files, and “r” mode for reading existing files without modifying them.

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