What would be the output of the following? Python Data Handling

As found in PriP 1.2, Data Handling. Class 12 Computer Science with Python by Sumita Arora is referred to in schools affiliated to but not limited to CBSE.

Q8. What would be the output of the following?

(a)print(type([1,2]))<class 'list'>
(b)print(type(1,2))TypeError: type() takes 1 or 3 arguments
(c)print(type((1,2)))<class 'tuple'>
(d)print(type(1/2))<class 'float'>
(e)print(type([1/2]))<class 'list'>
(f)print(type((1/2)))<class 'float'>
(g)print(type((1/2,)))<class 'tuple'>
  1. (a) print(type([1,2]))
    • Explanation: This creates a list with two elements, 1 and 2.
    • Output: <class 'list'>
  2. (b) print(type(1,2))
    • Explanation: This will raise a TypeError because the type() function expects a single argument and does not allow multiple arguments directly.
    • Output: TypeError: type() takes 1 or 3 arguments
  3. (c) print(type((1,2)))
    • Explanation: This creates a tuple with two elements, 1 and 2.
    • Output: <class 'tuple'>
  4. (d) print(type(1/2))
    • Explanation: This performs regular division, resulting in a floating-point number.
    • Output: <class 'float'>
  5. (e) print(type([1/2]))
    • Explanation: This creates a list with a single element, which is the result of 1/2 (i.e., 0.5).
    • Output: <class 'list'>
  6. (f) print(type((1/2)))
    • Explanation: This performs regular division, resulting in a floating-point number. For a tuple, it needs atleast two elements or a single element along with a trailing comma. Check (g) for example.
    • Output: <class 'float'>
  7. (g) print(type((1/2,)))
    • Explanation: The trailing comma indicates that this is a tuple with a single element, which is the result of 1/2 (i.e., 0.5).
    • Output: <class 'tuple'>
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