Manufacturing Processes

Manufacturing Processes is a subject that is crucial for students pursuing a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) degree in various fields such as Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and others.

Significance of Manufacturing Processes

Manufacturing Processes in mechanical engineering is a mandatory subject and provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the different processes involved in the production of goods and services.

It covers a wide range of topics, including the principles of manufacturing systems, material handling, machine tools, and manufacturing processes such as casting, forging, machining, and welding.

Syllabus Overview

Definition of manufacturing, Importance of manufacturing towards technological and social-economic development, Classification of manufacturing processes, Properties of materials.

Metal Casting Processes: Sand casting, Sand moulds, Type of patterns, Pattern materials, Pattern allowances, Types of Moulding sand and their Properties, Core making, Elements of gating system. Description and operation of cupola.

Working principle of Special casting processes – Shell casting, Pressure die casting, Centrifugal casting. Casting defects.

Joining Processes: Welding principles, classification of welding processes, Fusion welding, Gas welding, Equipments used, Filler and Flux materials. Electric arc welding, Gas metal arc welding, Submerged arc welding, Electro slag welding, TIG and MIG welding process, resistance welding, welding defects.

Deformation Processes: Hot working and cold working of metals, Forging processes, Open and closed die forging process. Typical forging operations, Rolling of metals, Principle of rod and wire drawing, Tube drawing. Principle of Extrusion, Types of Extrusion, Hot and Cold extrusion. Sheet metal characteristics -Typical shearing operations, bending and drawing operations, Stretch forming operations, Metal spinning

Powder Metallurgy: Introduction of powder metallurgy process, powder production, blending, compaction, sintering Manufacturing Of Plastic Components: Types of plastics, Characteristics of the forming and shaping processes, Moulding of Thermoplastics, Injection moulding, Blow moulding, Rotational moulding, Film blowing, Extrusion, Thermoforming. Moulding of thermosets- Compression moulding, Transfer moulding, Bonding of Thermoplastics.

Manufacturing Processes Notes PDF

PPT Notes & Study Materials

Notes & SyllabusDownload
Unit 1: Introduction to Manufacturing, Metal Casting Processes, Pattern making, etc…View
Unit 2: Joining Processes, Fusion welding, Gas Metal Arc welding, Resistance welding, welding defects, etc…View
Unit 3: Deformation Processes, Hot working and Cold working of metals, forging processes, hot and cold extrusion, sheet metal characteristics, etc…View
Unit 4: Powder Metallurgy, Blending, Sintering, Types of plastics, Extrusion, Thermoforming, Compression moulding, etc…View

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